QUIZ: how many quick eclipse questions can you get right?

QUIZ: how many quick eclipse questions can you get right?


Solar eclipse can be seen (with due protection, of course!) this Monday (5), in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Answer 8 questions on the subject and see if your success will be partial or total (🥁). A total solar eclipse is seen in Oregon, in the United States, in a photo from August 21, 2017. NASA/Aubrey Gemignani Here in Brazil, we will not be able to see the total eclipse that will take place this Monday (8) — the privilege of witnessing this The phenomenon will be exclusive to those in Mexico, the United States and Canada. But that doesn’t mean we’re going to stay out of the subject, right? In addition to following the live broadcast here on g1 (starting at 12:30 pm, Brasília time), you can also test your knowledge about eclipse with the questions below. 🌟🌟How many stars does your memory deserve? Is it possible to guarantee the perfect alignment of your ideas and win the (solar) crown? We’ll see next. The content of the quiz was formulated by g1 and reviewed by Carlos Carmo, physics professor at Curso Anglo (SP).


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