Network and Psol deputies protest against the approval of the timeframe in the Chamber of Deputies. The bill goes on to vote in the Senate.| Photo: Pablo Valadares/Chamber of Deputies

This Friday (2), the PSOL-Rede federation delivered a letter to the President of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco, requesting the suspension of the processing of the Bill of Law for the time frame. “This project is a huge attack on Indigenous Peoples, a serious violation of Human Rights, in addition to being completely unconstitutional!”, said Deputy Talíria Petrone (Psol-RJ) on her social networks.

The Psol bench in the Chamber added, in a note released on the party’s website, that it understands that the text of the PL of the temporal framework is unconstitutional. “Brazil is indigenous land and demarcation is democracy”, emphasized deputy Celia Xakriabá (PSOL), coordinator of the Parliamentary Front in Defense of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

The Psol has no senators elected in this legislature. Rede Sustentabilidade elected Senator Randolfe Rodrigues in 2019, with a mandate until 2027. However, the senator announced about two weeks ago that he should leave the party, without disclosing which acronym he intends to migrate to.