Project facilitates credit for companies run by women – 02/03/2023 – Market

Project facilitates credit for companies run by women – 02/03/2023 – Market


This Thursday (2) the Chamber approved the creation of the Women’s Credit Program, which facilitates access to loans for micro and small companies run by women.

The vote took place in a concerted effort by the House to approve proposals linked to women’s agendas, due to the proximity of International Women’s Day, celebrated on March 8.

The proposal defines that lines of credit opened by the government will have minimum percentages to be applied in micro and small companies controlled by women.

The proposal was approved in a symbolic vote, with no opposing votes. The text still needs to be approved by the Senate to be sanctioned by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT).

In Pronampe (National Support Program for Micro and Small Businesses), for example, 25% of the resources will be destined to this public.

The report by Deputy Luísa Canziani (PSD-PR) also establishes that other credit lines, such as Sebrae’s Micro and Small Business Guarantee Fund (Fampe), will have to comply with the same criteria.

The minimum percentages and differentiated interest rates will be defined in the Lula government (PT) regulation.

The proposal was taken to the plenary of the Chamber after an agreement between the party leaders for its approval.

The PL and other right-wing parties resisted an excerpt from the original proposal that stipulated a minimum percentage close to 5% for Pronampe loans to be allocated to companies run by black women.

“There is an issue in this project that worries us a lot, which is a racial perspective. As a woman, I want to help women entrepreneurs, but everyone, whether they are white, black, blonde, brunette, Asian or indigenous. racial quota,” said deputy Bia Kicis (PL-DF).

In view of the requests, rapporteur Luísa Canziani withdrew the section that provided for a reserve for loans to companies controlled by black women, with the aim of achieving unanimous approval of the proposal.

In exchange, Canziani defined that “minimum percentages of resources [do Pronampe] to companies controlled and directed by black, low-income or disabled women”, without stipulating an exact number.

“In our opinion, it would be appropriate [o percentual mínimo]but, in the name of consensus, we voted yes”, said congresswoman Fernanda Melchiona (PSOL-RS).

“The idea of ​​the Woman’s Credit Program is very relevant, [porque] this set of norms makes progress in reducing some of the various inequalities we have, especially regarding gender and race”, said the rapporteur.

Canziani also said that the measure tries to “correct the discrimination and difficulties experienced by women in the credit market and in entrepreneurial activities”.

“This is the first project in a series of projects that this House will approve in the coming weeks related to the women’s agenda, in honor of International Women’s Day”, he concluded.


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