President of the FPF receives a monthly extra of R$50,000 from the CBF – 12/23/2023 – Panel

President of the FPF receives a monthly extra of R$50,000 from the CBF – 12/23/2023 – Panel


President of the São Paulo Football Federation, Reinaldo Carneiro Bastos receives R$50,000 a month from the CBF in addition to his salary of R$110,000 as one of the vice-presidents of the national entity, a benefit that other directors in the same position do not have.

Bastos should be a candidate for president of the CBF in an election to be held in January. He broke with Ednaldo Rodrigues, removed from command of the entity on December 7 by the courts, with whom he was a close ally until a few days ago. Rodrigues must support Gustavo Feijó, former deputy of the entity.

The São Paulo leader is one of the eight vice-presidents of the CBF and one of the three who combine the role with that of presidents of state federations, alongside Antônio Aquino Lopes, from Acre, and Rubens Costa Filho, from Rio de Janeiro.

The national entity pays a salary of R$50,000 to each of the 27 state federation presidents, but only Bastos accumulates both salaries, according to documents obtained by the Panel. Lopes and Costa Filho only receive remuneration as CBF deputies.

When contacted, Bastos did not respond.

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