Preservation of the Amazon and the struggle of the Yanomami inspire the theme of Guerreiros Mura

Preservation of the Amazon and the struggle of the Yanomami inspire the theme of Guerreiros Mura


25th Ciranda Festival of Manacapuru

The second night of the festival was of the blue, red and white nation of the Liberdade neighborhood, in Princessinha do Solimões

Manacapuru (AM) – Guerreiros Mura, owner of 12 titles, completed 30 years of foundation and, this year, chose to take the theme “Urihi: Terra-Forest” to Parque do Ingá. The show was presented on the second night (02/09) of the 25th Ciranda Festival in Manacapuru (68 kilometers from Manaus), with strength and artistic commitment to praise the preservation of the forest and Yanomami culture.

The current theme, which dialogues with Amazonian folklore, comes from the creation process of the general director of the arena, Fabiano Fayal. With just four months at Guerreiros Mura, he rose to the challenge. “We had a team engaged with the show, committed and who gave their blood to be here today, celebrating our forest land”, reveals the artist, who is also cultural director.

The presentation had the participation of the singer of cirandas, Júlio Persil who, in the Folklore Festival of Amazonas is the toada lifter of Boi Corre Campo. Highlight for the Entrance Cord that staged the “Battle of the Warriors”, representing the struggle of the Yanomami indigenous peoples and the Napë Pë (in ethnicity, it means “white man”).

The show was sewn with surprises that came from the grandiose allegories, some of up to 15 meters, and with the execution of precise movements, in addition to effects, lights and fireworks. The artistic project of the allegories was signed by Carlos Lopes, from Parintin, alongside his wife, also an artist and cultural producer, Neide Lopes.

“We are bringing the enchanted beings of the forest, who are the great protectors of our forest-land and who have come to the battle against these epidemics. We brought curupira, caipora, mapinguari and other items”, said Neide.

The Cordão de Cirandeiros, made up of 42 pairs, demonstrated synchronism in the choreographies, a result that starts from a social work to encourage the arts, promoted by the association, born in the neighborhood of Liberdade. “We’ve had a project for 30 years, involving folk dances from Manacapuru. We are a folkloric group and we developed this with a lot of will and today we are the biggest ciranda in Manacapuru”, highlights the president of Guerreiros Mura, Renato Teles.

Show apart from the Mura Race fans. War cries, interaction with the show, and the pride of the nickname “pitiú”. The presentation lasted for 2h16. For the general director of ciranda, Erondina Dos Anjos, it was enough time for the association to be handed over.

“It took six months of hard work, everything thought out with great care, responsibility and respect for everyone. It’s inexplicable what we’re feeling”, says Erondina emotionally, who for more than 20 years has assumed the role of commanding the arena.

Promoted by the cirandas of Manacapuru, the 25th Cirandas Festival of Manacapuru receives the support of the State Government, through the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy and municipal bodies. The opening of the festival took place last Friday (1st/09), with Flor Matizada, on Saturday (02/09), Guerreiros Mura, and the third and last night (03/09) belongs to Tradicional.

“First is a community mobilization in the city itself, in the generation of jobs and income as well. And another characteristic is the issue of ecological awareness and environmental education that is being passed on”, points out the executive secretary of Culture and Creative Economy, Luiz Carlos Bonates. “May another 25 years come, may it become something grander than it already is and, above all, take care of our forest”, concludes Bonates.

*With advisory information

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