Podcast: Bolsonarism with Bolsonaro ineligible – Folha – 07/03/2023 – Podcasts

Podcast: Bolsonarism with Bolsonaro ineligible – Folha – 07/03/2023 – Podcasts


After the defeat of Jair Bolsonaro (PL) at the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), which ruled for his ineligibility, the former president said that he is not politically dead and that he is considering appealing the decision. Appeals are available at the TSE itself and at the Federal Supreme Court (STF), but the measure has already started to take effect.

The action that resulted in the ineligibility was filed by the PDT and began to be judged on the last 22nd. The process focused on the meeting held by the then president with ambassadors at the Alvorada Palace, in July of last year. At the meeting, broadcast on TV Brasil, Bolsonaro attacked the electoral system and lied about electronic voting machines.

The ministers who recognized the abuse of political power and the misuse of the media were Benedito Gonçalves, Floriano de Azevedo Marques Neto, André Ramos Tavares, Cármen Lúcia and Alexandre de Moraes. Raul Araújo and Kassio Nunes Marques gave the dissenting votes and demonstrated to free him from the accusation.

The decision prevents Bolsonaro from running until 2030, but he has not lost his political rights and should continue to participate in the public debate. The future of Bolsonarism is uncertain, but names linked to the former president are quoted to take a leading role in the dialogue with supporters eyeing the 2026 dispute — with emphasis on the governor of São Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicans), and the former -First Lady Michelle Bolsonaro (PL).

This Monday’s Café da Manhã (30) discusses the future of Bolsonarism without Bolsonaro as a candidate. Sociologist Esther Solano, who has been studying the movement since 2017, analyzes the consequences of the former president’s ineligibility for the extreme right and also for the left.

The audio program is published on Spotify, streaming service partner of Sheet in the initiative and which specializes in music, podcast and video. You can listen to the episode by clicking above. To access the application, just register for free.

Breakfast is published from Monday to Friday, always at the beginning of the day. The episode is presented by journalists Gabriela Mayer and Gustavo Simon, with production by Carolina Moraes, Laila Mouallem and Priscila Camazano. Sound editing is by Thomé Granemann and Raphael Concli.


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