PF executes 18 warrants in new phase of operation Lesa Pátria against 12 investigated

PF executes 18 warrants in new phase of operation Lesa Pátria against 12 investigated


19th phase of Operation Lesa Pátria investigates those involved in the acts of 8/1 in three states and the Federal District.| Photo: André Borges/EFE
Investigation in progress

This content is about a fact that is still being investigated by the editorial team. We will have more information soon.

The Federal Police served five preventive arrest warrants and 13 search and seizure warrants this Wednesday (25) in the 19th phase of Operation Lesa Pátria. In total, there are 12 people investigated for involvement in the acts of January 8, which led to the invasion and depredation of the headquarters of the Três Poderes, in Brasília.

The warrants were issued in three states and the Federal District: Mato Grosso, in the cities of Cuiabá and Cáceres/MT; São Paulo, in Santos; Rio de Janeiro, in São Gonçalo; and in Brasília.

One of the targets of the operation is Léo Índio, who would be the cousin of three children of former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL), according to the investigation. TV Globo. His addresses in Brasília and Rio were inspected by the PF in January. On January 8, he published images on social media on top of the National Congress building and close to the Federal Supreme Court (STF).

According to the PF, those involved may be indicted for the crimes of violent abolition of the Democratic Rule of Law, coup d’état, qualified damage, criminal association, incitement to crime, destruction and deterioration or destruction of specially protected property and crimes under the law of terrorism.

More Informations soon.


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