Petrobras was just waiting for this authorization to start test drilling in the Foz do Amazonas basin| Photo: Publicity/Petrobras

Petrobras informed this Thursday afternoon (18) that it intends to appeal against Ibama’s decision that denied the state-owned company’s request to drill an oil well on the coast of Amapá. The company was just waiting for this authorization to start test drilling in the Foz do Amazonas basin, about 175 kilometers off the coast of Amapá.

“Petrobras understands that it strictly complied with all the requirements of the licensing process and all the resources mobilized in Amapá and Pará to carry out the Pre-Operational Assessment (simulated to test the emergency response plans) were made strictly in compliance with decisions and approvals from Ibama”, informed the state-owned company.

Ibama’s technical document pointed out that Petrobras’ plan for the area does not provide guarantees for assistance to the fauna in possible accidents with the oil spill. Another point highlighted would be gaps in predicting the impacts of the activity in three indigenous lands in Oiapoque.

Such as People’s Gazette As shown, the dispute over exploration in the Amazon region has been the reason for an arm wrestling match between the Minister of the Environment, Marina Silva, and the president of Petrobras, Jean Paul Prates. Regarding Ibama’s opinion, Petrobras informed that it has not yet been notified.

“The company remains committed to the development of the Brazilian Equatorial Margin, recognizing the importance of new frontiers to ensure the country’s energy security and the necessary resources for a fair and sustainable energy transition. To meet Brazil’s future demand for oil, the country will have to look for new sources, in addition to the pre-salt”, claimed the state-owned company.