Pedagogical Coordinator is exonerated from Education in SP – 09/06/2023 – Educação

Pedagogical Coordinator is exonerated from Education in SP – 09/06/2023 – Educação


The Tarcísio de Freitas government (Republicans) announced the departure of Renato Dias from Coped (Pedagogical Coordination) from the Secretary of State for Education. The exoneration was published in this Wednesday’s edition (6) of the Official Gazette.

The resignation comes after the crisis caused by errors in digital didactic material — Coped is responsible for the topic.

According to a statement from Education, Dias left office to take on personal projects and the exoneration happened at the request.

Professor Bianka de Andrade Silva takes over Coped. She holds a PhD in Letters from UFMG (Federal University of Minas Gerais). She worked as a teacher in basic education, youth and adult education in the municipal network of Belo Horizonte and was a professor at UFMG. She also worked in the evaluation projects sector of the State Department of Education of Minas Gerais.

“In São Paulo, Bianka assumes the commitment to improve all the pedagogical processes of the Department of Education, such as assessments and didactic material”, brings an excerpt from the statement.

The digital material produced by the Tarcísio government and distributed in state schools in São Paulo had several errors. One section, for example, said that the Lei Áurea, of 1888, was signed by Dom Pedro 2º and that the capital of São Paulo has beaches.

Produced by a team from the Department of Education, led by Renato Feder, the material began to be distributed to schools in April this year, to more than three million students. .

As shown by SheetFeder bet on the production of his own digital teaching material and gave up receiving textbooks from the Union. Faced with strong negative repercussions, however, the government backed down.

The Secretary of Education, led by Renato Feder, did not say how many teachers were penalized for the errors. The folder only stated that it “removed the servers responsible for the serious didactic errors in the digital material”.

Dias has worked at Somos Educação, one of the main textbook producers of the PNLD (National Textbook Program). He holds a master’s degree in international political economy from USP and a degree in international relations from PUC.

He is also one of the founders of Cloe, which, according to its website, is “a powerful digital learning platform that unites, in one place, everything that schools, teachers, parents and students need” and aims to “completely replace all education systems and textbooks”, in all subjects and in all school years.

The platform is part of the company Camino Education, which also owns Camino School, a private school in São Paulo. According to the secretariat, Dias resigned from all the projects of the private initiative that he participated in when he assumed command of Coped.


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