Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG).| Photo: Roque de Sá/Agência Senado.

The President of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), confirmed this Thursday morning (1st) that President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) will nominate lawyer Cristiano Zanin for the post of Minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF). ). According to Pacheco, the nomination should be sent by the presidency to the Senate this Thursday.

On Wednesday night (31), Zanin had dinner with Pacheco, with the president of the Senate Constitution and Justice Commission (CCJ), Davi Alcolumbre (União Brasil-AP), and with the ministers of the Court Alexandre de Moraes and Gilmar Mendes.

“I met yesterday [quarta] with Cristiano Zanin. He will be nominated by the President of the Republic for the post of Minister of the Federal Supreme Court. This message should arrive today [dia 1º] to the Senate and when we arrive we will send it to the Constitution and Justice Commission. I have already spoken with President Davi Alcolumbre, who will follow up the message at the CCJ, will conduct the sabbath, assess the name and we will submit it to the Senate plenary after examining the CCJ”, said the President of the Senate to journalists.

Pacheco also stated that he assesses Zanin’s nomination “positively”, as he “meets the conditions and has the predicates to be a minister of the Federal Supreme Court”. the lawyer must be a Saturday and then his nomination must be appreciated by the full Senate, where he will need at least 41 votes to be approved. If the nomination is confirmed and the name is approved by the Senate, Zanin will occupy the vacancy of retired minister Ricardo Lewandowski on the Court.