The National Fight Front is led by José Rainha Júnior, who was expelled from the MST| Photo: Disclosure/FNL

Members of the opposition to the Lula government and the ruralist group in the Chamber of Deputies are working together to open a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) to investigate the land invasions promoted by the Landless Movement (MST) in Brazil.

A request for investigation was proposed by federal deputy Lieutenant-Colonel Zucco (Republicanos-RS). “This House must supervise what actually happens in our country”, argued Zucco.

Deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro (PL-RJ) reported on social media, this Tuesday (7), that signatures are already being collected for the creation of the CPI, and the minimum required is 171 signatures. “We’ll see how gangs decide which farms to invade, who runs it, who finances it, and bring them to testify in the House on camera for everyone to see,” he wrote.

The most recent intrusions took place last week. Around 1,700 members of the group announced the invasion of at least four farms in southern Bahia. Three of these farms are cultivated with eucalyptus by the company Suzano Papel e Celulose. According to the MST, the invasions are a denunciation against the monoculture of eucalyptus in the region, which has been growing in recent decades.