Only 3 of the 100 most populous cities in the country have universal basic sanitation, says study; see ranking

Only 3 of the 100 most populous cities in the country have universal basic sanitation, says study;  see ranking


Maringá (PR), São José do Rio Preto (SP) and Campinas (SP) are the only ones to have 99% of the population with access to water and 90% with sewage collection and treatment, according to Instituto Trata Brasil. Porto Velho (RO), Macapá (AP) and Santarém (PA) are in the last positions Brazil is still far from reaching the goal of universal basic sanitation for the entire population. Data from the Trata Brasil Institute released this Wednesday (20) indicate that, among the 100 most populous cities in the country, only three have already met the objective: Maringá (PR), São José do Rio Preto (SP) and Campinas (SP) . These three municipalities are the only ones, among the 100, that in 2022 had 99% of the population with access to treated water and 90% with sewage collection and treatment services, a criterion established by the New Sanitation Legal Framework, created by Law 14,026, 2020. With a population of 409,657 inhabitants, Maringá is the third largest city in Paraná, behind Londrina (555,965) and Curitiba (1,773,718), according to data from the IBGE 2022 Census. Campinas, with 1.1 million inhabitants, is the 3rd largest city in São Paulo. São José do Rio Preto (SP), with 480 thousand, is 10th. On the opposite side, the cities with the worst indicators were Porto Velho (RO), Macapá (AP) and Santarém (PA) (see the complete ranking at the beginning of this report). The sanitation ranking, made in partnership with GO Associados, analyzes distribution and collection of water and sewage, losses in distribution, investment and improvements made. The data, from 2022, comes from the National Sanitation Information System (SNIS), from the Ministry of Cities. Sewage continues to be a major challenge in the country. In relation to the survey carried out last year, with data from 2021, collection grew only 0.2 percentage points in Brazil, going from 55.8% to 56%. Sewage treatment also had a modest increase: from 51.2% to 52.2% in the same period. The New Legal Framework for Basic Sanitation stipulates that the universalization of services (99% of the population with access to drinking water and 90% with sewage collection and treatment) is achieved by 2033. In Trata Brasil’s assessment, to achieve this goal, it will be I need to double the investment in the area. “In localities, mainly in the North and Northeast regions, where the indicators are very bad, this investment would have to be much greater. We are talking about becoming a construction site so that this universalization can be achieved. From a future perspective, taking the 20 worst placed in the ranking, it is very difficult to think that they will be able to achieve universalization within the stipulated deadline, if they don’t rush to yesterday”, says Luana Pretto, executive president of Trata Brasil. Ranking The 20 best placed cities in the sanitation ranking released this Wednesday by Instituto Trata Brasil are: Maringá (PR) São José do Rio Preto (SP) Campinas (SP) Limeira (SP) Uberlândia (MG) Niterói (RJ) São Paulo (SP) Santos (SP) Cascavel (PR) Ponta Grossa (PR) Jundiaí (SP) Praia Grande (SP) Foz do Iguaçu (PR) Londrina (PR) Franca (SP) Montes Claros (MG) Campo Grande (MS) Aparecida of Goiânia (GO) Goiânia (GO) Piracicaba (SP) The 20 worst placed cities in the sanitation ranking are: Porto Velho (RO) Macapá (AP) Santarém (PA) Rio Branco (AC) Belford Roxo (RJ) Duque de Caxias (RJ) São Gonçalo (RJ) Belém (PA) Várzea Grande (MT) Juazeiro do Norte (CE) Ananindeua (PA) Maceió (AL) São Luís (MA) Jaboatão dos Guararapes Manaus (AM) Caucaia (CE) São João de Meriti (RJ) Paulista (PE) Cariacica (ES) Pelotas (RS) Luana Pretto points out that there is a direct correlation between the best positions in the ranking and the amount of money invested in the sanitation area. “There is no specific management model [nas melhores cidades]. There is a concessionaire, public company, autarchy […] But those who invest less cannot move up in the rankings. If we take the 20 best and the 20 worst, the average investment of the 20 worst is R$73 per year per inhabitant. The average of the 20 best, which are already almost universal or very close to that, is R$ 201”, he says. Municipalities that have made progress Trata Brasil highlights the improvement in the municipality of Aparecida de Goiânia (GO), which left 85th place in the 2015 edition, reaching 18th place in the 2024 ranking. Among the municipalities with the greatest positive variation in relation to the previous survey — with data from 2021 — is Praia Grande, which rose 22 positions and the one with the highest investment value per inhabitant in sanitation — R$ 693.01. Paulista (PE) and Cuiabá (MT) were the cities with the greatest negative variation between the 2023 and 2024 rankings. Paulista went from 64th to 83rd place (variation of 19 positions), and Cuiabá fell from 32nd position to 50th (18 positions). See other highlights of the study: Only five municipalities in the sample have 100% sewage collection. Another 35 have a collection rate above 90%. Five capitals in the North and three in the Northeast region do not treat even 35% of the sewage generated. There are 22 municipalities that have 100% water service and another 18 with service levels above 99%. Of the 100 municipalities considered, only 14 have levels of distribution losses lower than 25% (values ​​considered adequate). Of the 27 Brazilian capitals, only nine have at least 99% total water supply. Running water Giuliano Gomes/PR Press VIDEOS: most watched on g1


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