On the eve of 60 years, Xuxa admits recent lipo and talks about sex life after veganism: ‘It has improved a lot’

On the eve of 60 years, Xuxa admits recent lipo and talks about sex life after veganism: ‘It has improved a lot’


On the eve of turning 60, Xuxa Meneghel showed all her sensuality in a rehearsal beyond hot and spoke of the sexual relationship with her husband, Junno Andrada, 59. The presenter says that the sex between them “improved a lot” after the couple become vegan, that is, stop consuming food and products of animal origin.

“There was another interview I gave that just came out like this, but let’s go: sex life has also improved a lot! In terms of disposition, really. As Ju became vegan at the same time as me, we felt together that things were paying off for much longer (laughs). After three months we would look at each other and say “Woah! Shall we go again?” After three months we would look at each other and say “Woo! Shall we go again?”, she said, in an interview with “Boa Forma” magazine.

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“I think the documentary ‘Gladiator’s Diet’ cites a study they conducted with young people who ate a vegan diet for a period and another group ate meat and animal products. The vegans had more than twice as many erections per night. I thought it was funny. that the teenagers said that when they date they will stop eating meat”, explained the presenter.

In the publication, Xuxa also talked about aging and admitted that she recently had liposuction.

“The only place where the less invasive treatments didn’t give the result I wanted was on my stomach. So I recently had lipo done there. But it didn’t turn out the way I wanted. One day, maybe, if I still have the courage, I would like to have a more defined belly”, he said.

On the eve of turning 60, Xuxa admits lipo and talks about sex life after veganism Photo: Blad Meneghel/Revista Boa Forma
On the eve of 60 years, Xuxa admits lipo and talks about sex life after veganism
On the eve of turning 60, Xuxa admits lipo and talks about sex life after veganism Photo: Blad Meneghel/Revista Boa Forma

Xuxa and Junno Andrade
Xuxa and Junno Andrade Photo: Reproduction

On the eve of 60 years, Xuxa admits lipo and talks about sex life after veganism
On the eve of turning 60, Xuxa admits lipo and talks about sex life after veganism Photo: Blad Meneghel/Revista Boa Forma


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