Gusttavo Lima completes live album ‘Paraíso particular’ with duet with Murilo Huff among four new tracks

Gusttavo Lima completes live album ‘Paraíso particular’ with duet with Murilo Huff among four new tracks


Gusttavo Lima (right) sings with Murilo Huff in Bela Vista (GO) during the recording of the live album ‘Paraíso particular’ Augusto Albuquerque / Disclosure ♪ Gusttavo Lima completes the live album Paraíso particular almost a year after recording the show presented in July 4, 2013 in the city of Bela Vista (GO), in Goiás. Four new tracks were added to the previously published repertoire. Among these four phonograms, there is a duet by the artist from Minas Gerais with Murilo Huff in the song Cep novo, a composition written by Alex Alves, João Augusto, Mateus Candotti, Matheus Di Paula, Samuel Deolli and Wallas Dias. Another guest of Gusttavo Lima in this batch of unreleased tracks is Gustavo Mioto, present in the recording of the song Livramento (Marco Carvalho and Matheus Cott). The songs Beijo culposo (Flavinho Tinto, Nando Marx, Douglas Mello, Pancadinha and Victor Hugo) and Milionário (Denner Ferrari, Jimmy Luzzo and Felipe Goffi) make up the batch of new tracks from the full edition of the audiovisual album Paraíso particular. Cover of the album ‘Paraíso particular’, by Gusttavo Lima Disclosure


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