Nísia must explain the increase in dengue fever and a technical note on abortion in the Chamber

Nísia must explain the increase in dengue fever and a technical note on abortion in the Chamber


Minister of Health, Nísia Trindade, must provide clarification to the Health Commission, next Wednesday (10).| Photo: Julia Prado / Chamber of Deputies

The Minister of Health, Nísia Trindade, is expected to attend a hearing at the Health Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, next Wednesday (10), to provide clarifications on the dengue epidemic in the country and the recent crises in the department.

This Wednesday (3), Brazil recorded more than a thousand deaths caused by dengue in 2024 and surpassed the number of 2.6 million confirmed cases of the disease.

The request for an invitation to the minister was presented by deputies Célio Silveira (MDB-GO), Dr. Francisco (PT-PI) and Silvio Antonio (PL-MA), and by deputy Rosângela Moro (União-SP).

In justifying the request, Silveira pointed out that 2024 is showing much worse numbers than last year in relation to dengue. “This is alarming, because the peak of dengue has not yet arrived, it usually occurs in April,” he added.

Deputies also want to know what is being done by the department to improve the efficiency of management of federal hospitals in Rio de Janeiro. They cite a report that pointed out problems such as closed beds, lack of professionals, deactivated wards, insufficient ICU beds, inoperative surgical rooms and compromised supply of supplies.

The minister must also explain the lack of medicines for leprosy and the pro-abortion note that authorized abortion in the case of rape at any stage of pregnancy. The Health note stated that “until birth, when the newborn is separated from the uterine environment, the fetus is most likely not capable of feeling pain.” This is far from a consensus in the scientific community and is contested by recent studies.


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