Deputy Nikolas Ferreira (PL-MG) in the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies| Photo: Pablo Valadares/Chamber of Deputies

Federal deputy Nikolas Ferreira (PL-MG) was sentenced to pay a fine of BRL 5,300 for spreading fake news against fellow deputy Kim Kataguiri (União-SP). The decision was handed down by the Regional Electoral Court of São Paulo (TRE-SP) in March this year.

The measure responds to a complaint made by Kataguiri’s defense after Ferreira associated him with the crime of cracking, in a publication on social networks last year. In a first decision, TRE-SP determined that Ferreira make his social networks available so that Kataguiri could exercise his right of reply. The measure was not fulfilled.

It is now up to the Electoral Public Ministry (MPE) to collect the amount of the fine imposed against Nikolas Ferreira. If the amount is not paid by the deadline, the debt will be entered on screen in the Union’s active debt. Deputies did not comment on the decision.