New rules accelerate the pace of transposition processes – News of Brazil

New rules accelerate the pace of transposition processes – News of Brazil


Douglas Lima

The president of the Special Commission for the Former Territories of Rondônia, Amapá and Roraima (Ceext), João Cândido de Arruda Falcão, reported this Friday morning, the 5th, that there are three situations in which the applicant for transfer to the federal government can appeal, if they have had their request denied to join the Union’s payroll.

João Cândido spoke on the program ‘LuizMeloEntrevista’ (Diário FM 90.9). At the end of the clarifications, he announced that next Monday, the 8th, the portal of the Special Commission on Former Territories will publish clarifications regarding everything that is necessary for the recognition of the civil servant’s link with the federal government.

According to the president, one of the situations in which a person can request a review is if their petition has been rejected due to lack of a paycheck or financial statement. “The server can therefore file an appeal and have the request granted, as long as they present their old professional card, proving that they actually worked”.

There are cases of rejection of cases involving people who had four roles in the public service. João Cândido de Arruda Falcão informed that these personnel can request a review with great possibility of being included in the list of those transferred to the Union’s functional framework.

The president of Ceext also mentioned that denied processes relating to the Technical Police, today the Scientific Police, can be reviewed, as long as they are requested again by interested parties. João Cândido highlighted that with the new transposition rules the pace of processes will gain more speed, making life easier for the applicant civil servants and the members of the commission themselves.

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