MST CPI wants to delay Stedile and Rainha’s depositions – 06/29/2023 – Panel

MST CPI wants to delay Stedile and Rainha’s depositions – 06/29/2023 – Panel


Approved last week by the MST’s CPI, the testimonies of landless leaders João Pedro Stedile (MST) and José Rainha (Frente Nacional de Lutas) should still take a while to happen.

The top of the commission, controlled by the opposition to the Lula government (PT), adopted as a strategy to gather as much information as possible about the functioning of the two movements before carrying out the inquiry.

“We are receiving denunciations, reports and requests for information. In a strategic way, we are waiting for the best moment for the depositions to take place”, says the president of the CPI, Lieutenant-Colonel Zucco (Republicanos-RS).

Both Stedile and Rainha were summoned, that is, they will be obliged to attend.

The CPI should make a concentrated effort in the next two weeks, before the parliamentary recess, with three sessions instead of two.

It is also in the plans to carry out at least three new diligences in places where there is land dispute, as was done in Pontal do Paranapanema in May.

According to Zucco, the CPI has already produced a practical result, which was to force the Lula government to change its attitude towards agriculture. “They started looking for dialogue, they changed their posture”, he says.

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