MST holds protests and land invasions in reference to “Red April”| Photo: MST/disclosure

Members of the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) began to leave this Saturday (22) the Embrapa research unit in Pernambuco invaded last weekend. According to the state’s Military Police, the shacks began to be dismantled in the morning, and the invaders moved to a nearby area.

According to Jornal do Comércio, from Recife, the 600 families involved in the invasion will be temporarily sheltered in the land next to the BR-428 in the region of the city of Petrolina.

The eviction takes place two days after the coordination of the movement was notified by the Justice for the reintegration of the 46-hectare area. The MST also reached an agreement with the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA) and the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform (Incra) to leave the area.

The agreement also ordered that Suzano’s farm in Espírito Santo be vacated, but leaving the area was postponed until next Thursday (27). The two invasions generated strong criticism from ministers in the government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) during the week, mainly in relation to the invasion of the Embrapa area, such as Paulo Teixeira (Agrarian Development), Alexandre Padilha (Institutional Relations) and Carlos Favaro (Agriculture).