More than 41 thousand place reservations are made for new students in the Manaus municipal network

More than 41 thousand place reservations are made for new students in the Manaus municipal network



This year, Semed’s undersecretary of Educational Management, Júnior Mar, will offer more than 70 thousand new vacancies

Until 11 am this Wednesday (17), the website recorded 41,779 requests to reserve a place for new students, with 22,797 requests to reserve a place for new students in the Manaus municipal network. The balance was released by the Data Processing company Amazonas S/A (Prodam) and by the State Departments of Education and School Sports and Municipal Education of Manaus (Semed), during a press conference held at the company’s headquarters.

This year, Semed’s undersecretary of Educational Management, Júnior Mar, will offer more than 70 thousand new vacancies.

“We know that the population’s greatest demand is for Early Childhood Education, but the administration of the mayor, David Almeida, has carried out intense planning work to meet this demand. During the re-enrollment period, more than 200 thousand children were re-enrolled and, for new students, 23,080 places have already been reserved, so we still have vacancies for those looking for the municipal education network”,

explained Mar.

According to Prodam’s CEO, Lincoln Nunes, the number of reservations achieved in the first hour of opening the system demonstrates the positive result of the process.

“Last year, we had 9,203 new student reservations made in the first hour. This year, in the same time frame, we reached 18,719 reservations. All of this without any record of website unavailability or us noticing any degradation of our infrastructure,”

highlighted Nunes.

According to the Enrollment Manager at the Department of Education, Ireland Araújo, the state education network still has more than 170,000 places available in the capital and in the interior. Araújo also highlighted the importance of those responsible, who have already reserved the student’s place, attending the chosen teaching unit with the student’s documents to confirm enrollment.

“We had more than 18 thousand consultations aimed at the state education network (in these first 11 hours). We also have approximately 170,000 vacancies available. We reiterate that there is no shortage of vacancies, however some schools have greater demand and vacancies are filled more quickly. Remembering that parents need to go, within three working days, to the school where they managed to reserve a place, to complete this registration”,

said Ireland.

Registration confirmation

After completing the reservation process, the person responsible for the student has up to three working days to attend the school and confirm enrollment by presenting all documentation. If documents are not submitted, the candidate loses the vacancy and it returns to the system.

The documents required are: Proof of original education: Transfer guide; School Records; Transfer declaration (valid for 30 days) if the candidate comes from a private, federal, other state or municipal network in the interior of the state); Birth certificate (original and copy). CPF and ID (original and copy) of the high school student; Vaccination card (copy); Two recent 3X4 photos of the student; Identification document with photo (original and copy) of the person responsible for enrollment, of the underage student; Updated proof of residence (up to 30 days from the date of presentation).


Of the 41,779 reservations for new students, 85.47% were made online. Regarding nationality, the system recorded the reservation of 40,556 native Brazilians, 1,212 foreigners and 11 Brazilians born abroad or naturalized.

Regular education schools were the most sought after, with 39,573 reservations. Full-time schools registered 1,691 reservations until the release of the balance sheet.

Remaining vacancies

Parents and/or guardians who missed the deadline to enroll new students and make transfers will be able to reserve places from this Monday, 1/22. Assistance to late students will be continuous for all teaching modalities, according to the availability of places in school units.

For this audience, the service will also be via the website or at any school belonging to the State Department of Education and School Sports and/or Semed. The priority is to reach those students who missed all deadlines, both in cases of enrollment and transfer.

This way, vacancies that were not filled or that were not confirmed with the presentation of documentation will return to the system.

*With information from consultancy

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