Former Minister of Justice Anderson Torres was arrested on January 14, for alleged omission in acts of vandalism on January 8.| Photo: Renato Alves/Agência Brasília.

The Minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) Alexandre de Moraes determined this Thursday (20) that the Federal Police take a new statement from the former Secretary of Public Security of the Federal District Anderson Torres. The PF requested a new hearing, which is scheduled for next Monday (24th), at 2 pm, at the corporation’s headquarters in Brasília.

Torres, who has been in prison since January 14, will be heard as a declarant. “ANDERSON TORRES’ hearing, as a declarant, is not intended to mitigate the voluntary nature of the individual’s option to provide information or not in his interrogation, or even to collaborate in other ways in the production of evidence”, wrote the minister.

In the dispatch, Moraes stressed that “the obligation to appear and the requirement to give your testimony as a declarant… does not mean the possibility of direct or indirect coercion to obtain a confession or assumption of responsibility, breaking the necessary ‘voluntary participation’ in the production evidence”.