Miss Fluminense reveals rehearsal backstage and shoots: “I wanted to with the players in the locker room”

Miss Fluminense reveals rehearsal backstage and shoots: “I wanted to with the players in the locker room”


Sexy Magazine

Aline said that she wanted to do the rehearsal with all the players on the team with her

Miss Fluminense, model Aline Amaral is one of the stars of the July issue of Sexy magazine. With the magazine in circulation in Brazil, she revealed how the rehearsal was backstage.

“I always liked the nude, looking at myself naked, admiring other women, and men, naked. The photos turned out the way I wanted. It wasn’t difficult to take off my clothes, on the contrary, I did the poses thinking about how Sexy readers would see me, and what they would imagine and do with me in thought”

she reveals, laughing.

About the choice of location and the concept of the photos, Aline said that she wanted to do the rehearsal with all the players on the team with her.

“In my imagination, the perfect shoot for the magazine would be me naked, in the middle of the stadium, in the locker room, with all the players looking at me while I took off my clothes, in their midst. Better than that only if I walked with them on the field, naked, with the whole crowd screaming ‘hottie’,

shot Miss Fluminense.

*With advisory information

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