Minister should meet with Lula in January to detail Voa Brasil – 01/02/2024 – Panel

Minister should meet with Lula in January to detail Voa Brasil – 01/02/2024 – Panel


The Minister of Ports and Airports, Silvio Costa Filho (Republicanos-PE), is expected to meet with President Lula (PT) in the first fortnight of the year to detail the outline of the Voa Brasil program. The expectation is that the initiative can be launched in January itself.

The program aims to offer tickets for R$200 to INSS (National Social Security Institute) retirees and should include students from Prouni, a Ministry of Education program that offers full and partial scholarships for undergraduate courses at institutions private.

Costa Filho has told interlocutors that he wants to detail the program to the president before releasing it to the general public. At the meeting, he will discuss topics such as the number of tickets that will be available on Voa Brasil and his target audience.

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