MIDR authorizes the transfer of more than R$417 thousand for civil defense actions in Amapá – News of Brazil

MIDR authorizes the transfer of more than R$417 thousand for civil defense actions in Amapá – News of Brazil


The Ministry of Integration and Regional Development (MIDR), through the National Civil Defense, authorized the transfer of more than R$417 thousand to the state of Amapá. The resources will be used to purchase basic food baskets, which will be sent to the cities of Oiapoque and Calçoene. The ordinance authorizing the resources was published in the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU).

The two cities in Amapá were affected by infestations/pests, which is a biological disaster characterized by altering the ecological balance of a region, river basin or biome affected by its predatory actions. The information comes from the Brazilian Classification and Coding of Disasters (Cobrade).

At the moment, the 16 municipalities in Amapá are in an emergency situation due to natural disasters, such as drought, forest fires, parasitic and fungal infectious diseases and other infestations.

“Amapá has been suffering from natural disasters, mainly drought. These resources guarantee the Amapá population water and food, in addition to transporting these products so that more people can have access. President Lula’s determination is that we assist the cities of Brazil from North to South and we are doing so”, says minister Waldez Góes.

Feature Request

Cities with federal recognition of an emergency situation or state of public calamity can request MIDR resources for civil defense actions, which include humanitarian assistance, reestablishment of essential services and reconstruction of infrastructure and housing destroyed or damaged by the disaster.

Requests must be made through the Integrated Disaster Information System (S2iD). Based on the information sent, the National Civil Defense technical team evaluates the goals and values ​​requested. With approval, an ordinance is published in the DOU with the amount to be released.

National Civil Defense Capabilities

National Civil Defense offers a series of distance learning courses to enable and qualify municipal and state agents to use S2iD. The training focuses on civil protection and defense agents in the three spheres of government.

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