Medical entities demonstrate against the closure of asylums

Medical entities demonstrate against the closure of asylums


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32 entities criticize CNJ resolution and warn about the effects of the end of forensic asylums| Photo: Pixabay

Dozens of entities took a stand against Resolution No. 487 of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), which establishes the Anti-asylum Policy of the Judiciary, determining the closure of hospitals for custody and psychiatric treatment throughout the country, the so-called forensic asylums.

The undersigned has the support of 32 entities, among them the Federal Council of Medicine, the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry, the Brazilian Confederation of Police Workers, in addition to other medical entities and those that support people with mental and affective disorders. the resolution was approved without extensive debate with the professionals involved in the issue. The deactivation of forensic hospitals will have very serious consequences for society”, warn the entities.

Among the consequences, they mention that patients may end up going to the streets or common prisons, “putting not only their own lives at risk, but also the general population”.

According to the document, the basic health network is not prepared to offer differentiated care for mental disorders. Currently, there is an average of 5,800 patients being treated and cared for by specialists. “The decision also ignores the medical view on the expertise, hospitalization, follow-up and evaluation of these patients”, they explain.

In addition to asking for the “urgent” suspension of the CNJ resolution, the entities ask for the approval of the PDL 81/23 of deputy Kim Kataguiri (União-SP), in progress in Congress, which suspends the measure guaranteeing a broader debate on the subject. .


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