MC throws boyfriend’s lover into the sea after discovering betrayal on speedboat

MC throws boyfriend’s lover into the sea after discovering betrayal on speedboat



MC Naninha made waves on social media after being caught discovering her partner’s betrayal in Rio de Janeiro

Photo: Reproduction

A video circulating on social media shows MC Daninha discovering her boyfriend’s betrayal on a boat, this Friday (29).

Then, a fight breaks out between her and her supposed lover, and the singer pushes the woman out of the boat.

The moment was recorded in Rio de Janeiro and left internet users shocked by the MC’s reaction. “I would play the boy and go out with the boat, after all, he is the one with the commitment and not the girl,” said one person on Twitter. “I even think it’s funny and so on, but I’m so pissed off when women beat each other up when they’re cheating,” wrote another user.

On Instagram, MC Naninha said: “Everything I fix, they want. He wasn’t my husband, to be clear, he was my boyfriend. Let’s stop gossiping about my name, otherwise I’ll get stressed out.”

*With information from Metrópoles

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