Market Livre ad becomes target of Conar – 04/20/2023 – Panel SA

Market Livre ad becomes target of Conar – 04/20/2023 – Panel SA


An ad from Market Livre that promised free shipping became the target of Conar (National Advertising Self-Regulation Council) this week after a consumer complaint.

According to the agency, which recommended changing the advertisement this Wednesday (19), the customer says he fulfilled the conditions for free shipping, but did not receive the benefit.

The decision, confirmed in the 2nd instance, asks the company to make the limitations imposed on the promotion more accessible.

Sought by Panel SA, Market Livre claims that it respects Conar’s assessment, but disagrees with the decision as it understands that the conditions presented in the promotional action were clear and easily accessible to consumers.

Joana Cunha with Paulo Ricardo Martins It is Diego Felix

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