Marielle Case:Impact for Lula and Bolsonaro is relativized – 03/24/2024 – Power

Marielle Case:Impact for Lula and Bolsonaro is relativized – 03/24/2024 – Power


Government and oppositionists seek to separate themselves from possible political links with the Brazão brothers, arrested this Sunday (24) on suspicion of being responsible for the murder of Marielle Franco (PSOL), and relativize the impacts of the case for Lula (PT) and Jair Bolsonaro (PL).

Palácio do Planalto assesses that the arrest of the alleged perpetrators of the crime will not bring about a profound change in the political scenario, particularly in the municipal elections in October this year.

Members of the Lula government argue that the connection between the Brazão brothers and some of their allies, such as the family of former minister Daniela Carneiro, constitutes “political matters” and that it will not harm the candidates who should be supported by the PT member, especially the mayor Eduardo Paes (PSD), who is seeking re-election in Rio.

On the other hand, the opposition — and even some government members — also say that the arrest should not cause harm to the Bolsonaro side or to the pre-candidate in the capital of Rio de Janeiro Alexandre Ramagem (PL), linked to Bolsonaro.

The former president was supported by Chiquinho and Domingos Brazão in the 2018 and 2022 elections — and the brothers maintained influence in the Cláudio Castro (PL) government.

The Federal Police arrested three suspects for ordering the murder of Marielle and her driver Anderson Gomes, in addition to the attempt to kill advisor Fernanda Chaves, in March 2018.

In addition to federal deputy Chiquinho Brazão and his brother, Domingos Brazão, advisor to the TCE (State Audit Court) of Rio, delegate Rivaldo Barbosa, former head of the Civil Police in Rio — chosen to command the corporation at the time — was arrested. of federal intervention in the state, commanded by General Walter Braga Netto, who later became Bolsonaro’s minister.

Until February, Chiquinho Brazão was a member of the first echelon of the Eduardo Paes administration in Rio, as head of the Community Action Secretariat. Paes is the name defended by Palácio do Planalto for this year’s municipal elections.

The Lula government minimizes the relationship, despite recognizing that there is some embarrassment. An interlocutor from Planalto states that the relationship with the Brazãos was a “political thing”, with Paes merely responding to the party’s nomination for a certain vacancy. It does not, therefore, imply a close connection.

Members of Lula’s team also add that the initiative to exonerate Chiquinho Brazão came from Paes, when news emerged this year that the brothers could be the ones behind the crime.

Furthermore, they claim that the Brazão brothers have a stronger connection with Bolsonarism. In addition to electoral support for Bolsonaro, they represent “opposition and resistance to Marielle Franco’s legacy”, as a palace assistant defines it.

It is still mentioned that Domingos Brazão would be coordinating, with the Bolsonaro family, his son’s candidacy for a seat on the City Council.

The investigation of the case by the PF during the Lula government, after almost six years of questions about those who ordered the crime, is a political asset for the PT administration to distance itself from the wear and tear caused by the Brazão’s connection with allies.

Wanted by SheetPaes released a note stating that the Republicans, upon establishing an alliance with the municipal administration, chose Chiquinho Brazão as the party’s representative to occupy the secretariat.

Despite being a member of União Brasil, he had requested authorization from the TSE (Superior Electoral Court) to disaffiliate — and was in negotiations to migrate to the Republicans.

“When speculation about the case arose, the party was asked to nominate a name to replace him and he was exonerated at the beginning of 2024. Rio City Hall reinforces its support for the investigations into the murder of Marielle Franco and Anderson Gomes and hopes that the case be clarified by the Courts”, informed the City of Rio, in a note.

When contacted, Chiquinho’s defense did not respond. Domingos’ defense claims that he did not know Marielle and that she is innocent.

Another ally of Palácio do Planalto who was linked to the Brazão is the mayor of Belford Roxo, Waguinho, whose wife, Daniela Carneiro, was Lula’s Minister of Tourism. She left the position after pressure from União Brasil, a party to which the political group seeks disaffiliation.

One of the rare mayors to support Lula in the 2022 election in Baixada Fluminense, Waguinho even made a post in January this year defending Domingos Brazão.

“I have lived with Domingos Brazão for many years. We have been in political disputes side by side and, sometimes, on opposite sides. On all occasions he has always behaved with dignity and shown respect for political and ideological differences”, he wrote online Social.

“I do not believe that he had any involvement in the deaths of Marielle Franco and Anderson Gomes and I hope that the real culprits are punished rigorously”, he added, adding that the allegations would not be enough to prove or punish any citizen.

Bolsonaro’s allies minimize the Brazão’s electoral support for the former president and claim that the fact that Chiquinho was part of the Paes administration will, at the very least, inhibit the use of militia members in the campaign against Ramagem, in attempts to relate these groups with the Bolsonarists.

Even a member of the Lula government claims that the fact that the arrests do not reach the Bolsonaro family (as was suggested at times, after a suggestion from former governor Wilson Witzel) could result in the issue being absent from the elections.

In the same vein, the president’s eldest son, senator Flávio Bolsonaro (PL-RJ), criticized what he called a “farce” to try to associate the crime with his family.

“The police appear to have taken important steps to solve the death of Marielle Franco. To the frustration of some people, what was obvious is even clearer: Bolsonaro has no connection with the case,” the senator wrote on social media.

“Despite this unequivocal fact, the left wants to create an association that does not exist. This type of narrative farce is dangerous and criminal. It encourages virtual and physical lynchings and puts the lives of innocent people at risk. May Justice continue with its work and that provides a definitive solution to the case”, he added.


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