Lula has dinner with STF ministers, without Mendonça and Cármen – 12/19/2023 – Power

Lula has dinner with STF ministers, without Mendonça and Cármen – 12/19/2023 – Power


President Lula (PT) participates this Tuesday night (19) in a dinner with eight of the current ten ministers of the STF (Supreme Federal Court), as well as Flávio Dino, a future member of the court.

The event is held at the home of the President of the Supreme Court, Luís Roberto Barroso.

In addition to Barroso, ministers Edson Fachin, Gilmar Mendes, Dias Toffoli, Luiz Fux, Alexandre de Moraes, Kassio Nunes Marques and Cristiano Zanin are at dinner with Lula. Ministers André Mendonça and Cármen Lúcia did not attend because they were in São Paulo and Belo Horizonte, respectively.

Barroso said upon arrival that the meeting took place at Lula’s request. He classified dinner at his house as a courtesy institutional conversation.

Nominated by Lula and approved by the Senate for Rosa Weber’s position in the STF, the Minister of Justice also participates in the event.

His inauguration at court will take place in the second half of February, probably on the 22nd.

He intends to continue in the coming weeks at the Ministry of Justice, until the president chooses a new holder for the portfolio.

In the Senate, Dino received 47 votes in favor and 31 against — with two abstentions. On the same day, the name indicated by Lula to the PGR (Attorney General’s Office), Paulo Gonet, was approved, with 65 votes in favor, 11 against and one abstention.

At dinner this Tuesday, Lula is accompanied by First Lady Rosângela Lula da Silva, known as Janja.

In the STF, cases of interest to the federal government are judged, such as the action that questions the provisions of the State Law that restrict the appointment of politicians to positions on boards and directors of public companies. At the beginning of the month, Nunes Marques stopped the trial through a request for review (more time for analysis).

An investigation is also underway in the STF against the Minister of Communications, Juscelino Filho (União Brasil), which could be reported by Dino if he does not declare himself prevented from doing so. Moraes also conducts inquiries investigating former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL), Lula’s political opponent.


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