Lula blinda Freixo at Embratur and centrão presses for a billionaire education fund

Lula blinda Freixo at Embratur and centrão presses for a billionaire education fund


In 2021, the FNDE held 28.3% of the ministry’s budget: around BRL 26 billion (out of BRL 92 billion in the portfolio), according to values ​​corrected by the IPCA in January of this year. As there is a freedom to use money [não discricionário] to interact with deputies, mayors and governors, the FNDE becomes the target of greed by politicians. Ministry of Education (MEC) Agência Senado/ Divulgation Despite the pressure to take the Ministry of Tourism in a closed-door style, what the centrão really targets are second- and third-level positions with billionaire budgets. The most recent example of this is the pressure for Lula to yield to Embratur, but against the backdrop of another target: the National Education Development Fund (FNDE), considered a pearl in Education. Share on WhatsApp Share on Telegram The Fund implements MEC’s ​​educational policies and transfers resources to municipalities and states. In 2021, he held 28.3% of the ministry’s budget: around BRL 26 billion (out of BRL 92 billion in the portfolio), according to values ​​corrected by the IPCA in January of this year. Of these R$26 billion, 4.6% (R$1.2 billion) were available for discretionary funds (those that represent non-mandatory expenditures). These include, for example: actions under the Articulated Action Plan (PAR), such as support for basic education, production of textbooks and acquisition of school vehicles, and other FNDE costs. As there is a freedom to use money [não discricionário] to interact with deputies, mayors and governors, the FNDE becomes the target of greed by politicians. In the university budget, for example, this would not be possible, since the deans manage the budget. The blog asked three ministers if the body was under negotiation at that time. One said the government is not discussing “these details” amid the tax reform vote. Another denied the assignment of the fund and also of Embratur to the centrão. The third adviser to Lula consulted by the blog believes that the pressure for positions in the second half of the year will increase since Congress will not be content with commanding portfolios such as Tourism without the structure of positions and without a budget. For this reason, they already target Health and Education – for now, shielded by Lula in the title – but members of the government do not rule out, for example, handing over Funasa to parliamentarians who make up the base in Congress.


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