Lewandowski takes office and exposes the government’s alliance with the STF – 02/01/2024 – Power

Lewandowski takes office and exposes the government’s alliance with the STF – 02/01/2024 – Power


The inauguration of Ricardo Lewandowski at the Ministry of Justice with the presence of eight members of the STF (Supreme Federal Court) definitively sealed the behind-the-scenes alliance between the Lula government (PT) and the country’s highest court of the Judiciary.

In his speech, Lewandowski promised a focus on public security and spoke of the importance of combating organized crime, digital crimes and militias, in addition to praising the presence of his former Supreme Court colleagues.

The court currently has 10 members — the complete formation has 11. The eleventh will be Flávio Dino, who leaves the government’s Justice portfolio and will take up a seat in the Supreme Court on February 22.

Only ministers Edson Fachin and André Mendonça were not present, the latter appointed by former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) to the court. Minister Kassio Nunes Marques, the former president’s other chosen one, attended the ceremony and was praised by Lewandowski, who called the judge a “friend”.

Lewandowski’s inauguration ceremony was also attended by former presidents José Sarney and Fernando Collor.

In his speech, Lewandowski listed the functions of the department, such as defending constitutional precepts, migration and refuge, economic defense, combating corruption, coordinating actions to combat organized and violent crime, among others.

He also spoke about the coordination of the single public security system. “There will be a very intense and efficient sequence of our management,” he said.

Lewandowski was a member of the Supreme Court from 2006 to April 2023, when he left the Court upon turning 75 — the maximum age for ministers.

At the STF, Lewandowski became known for acting in line with the PT governments, which led to him being chosen by President Lula (PT) for Justice.

The president has said that one of the government’s priorities is to improve the management of public security. The issue tends to attract criticism from the opposition and should be explored in municipal elections.

On the eve of Lewandowski’s inauguration, Lula said that combating organized crime is a challenge. “It’s not an easy thing to combat. It’s become a multinational industry, bigger than General Motors, Volkswagen, Petrobras, it’s a very powerful thing. It’s in the press, politics, the Judiciary, football.”

Under the umbrella of the department now commanded by Lewandowski, there is precisely the articulation of national programs, penitentiary policies, in addition to the Federal and Federal Highway police.

The new minister has already defended in an article in Sheetwhen he presided over the CNJ (National Council of Justice), in 2015, the application of alternative penalties when dealing with the issue of prison overcrowding, such as the use of electronic ankle monitors.

On Wednesday (31), during Dino’s farewell to the government, the former Minister of Justice and Lula also defended alternative sentences. The president said he wants to “humanize the fight against petty crime”, while the plan is to “play very hardball” in the fight against organized crime.

Lewandowski remained close to the government and Lula, with whom he is friends, even after leaving the Supreme Court. He was part of the government delegation that traveled to the United Arab Emirates for COP-28.

Lula announced Lewandowski’s choice for Justice and Public Security on January 11.

The retired minister was always among the favorites to occupy the position of government minister, especially after Lula gave up the idea of ​​nominating a woman for the position.

The name of the former member of the STF still cooled the disputes on the left surrounding the succession of Dino, a member of the PSB. The former Minister of Justice was approved on December 14 for the vacancy in the Supreme Court.

The jurist was appointed to the Supreme Court by Lula himself, in 2006. He headed the Court from 2014 to 2016, having even presided over the impeachment trial of then-president Dilma Rousseff.


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