How many hours a month do you spend on the bus? See how to check on mobile

How many hours a month do you spend on the bus?  See how to check on mobile


Since Google Maps can track your every step (with permission granted), you can even see visits to the gym, restaurants, and other cities. Monthly Google Maps report is produced with your location history Marcos Serra Lima/G1 If you accept that Google collects your location data, it is possible to know several details of how you invest your hours of life while going to and from work, gym and House. This information is in a monthly report on Google Maps, with curiosities such as: how many hours a month you spent on the bus, driving or cycling; the trips he took; the time spent in the gym; which restaurants, malls and hotels it was, among other curious information. To have your data compiled by the Google location application, you must allow access to your location history and have a profile on the platform. See below how to check the report on your cell phone, with the Google Maps application. Open the application on your cell phone and click on the ball that corresponds to your profile picture, in the right corner of the screen; Select the option “Your timeline”; How to get to the timeline on Google Maps Playback/Google Maps To know what you’ve done day by day, just keep the “day” tab. To have a consolidated monthly report of your activities, click on the “Statistics” tab and select the month you want to see. It is also possible to explore the curiosities of other tabs: “Travel”, “Places”, “Cities” and World; Inside the tab, you’ll have a complete report from Google about the means of transport you used and which places you visited, according to the platform’s categories: gastronomy, shopping, attractions, sports, for example. How to access the timeline on Google Maps Playback/Google Maps How not to have data collected The Maps timeline is collected through your location history, a setting that needs your permission to work. If you have enabled permission to your location history and want to disable it, you need to go to the “Activity Controls” tab in your Google Account. On the web, you can access the address “”. In this tab, you can check the data that is collected by the company through your account, edit or delete this information. READ ALSO: Lost your cell phone? See how to find out the IMEI to block and track See how to unlock the cell phone without remembering the password


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