Holocaust passed through the Vatican, and the Pope remained silent – 09/23/2023 – Elio Gaspari

Holocaust passed through the Vatican, and the Pope remained silent – 09/23/2023 – Elio Gaspari


If sunlight is the best detergent, shade and time are good foggers. The other day the news appeared that Pope Pius received a letter from a German Jesuit in December 1942 denouncing the killing of Jews and the Auschwitz extermination camp.

After 81 years, it seemed new. Before December 1942, the Holocaust passed through the Vatican at least ten times and the Pope remained silent.

In October 1941, Pius 12 received a report of the massacre of Jews, coming from the apostolic nuncio of Bratislava. The pope met the nuncio in Turkey and asked him if his silence was a mistake. The prelate was Angelo Roncalli, who would succeed him, as John 23.

In February 1942, 20 days after the meeting of Nazis that launched the “Final Solution”, Hitler announced that “the Jews will be liquidated for at least a thousand years”.

In September 1942, the Brazilian ambassador to the Vatican, Hildebrando Pinto Accioly, joined forces with colleagues from the United States, England, France and Poland and asked Pius 12 to protest. Nothing done.

Pius 12 died in October 1958, aged 82. Barely embalmed, he suffered a rare process of decomposition, exploded, was put back together and dressed again.

Pope Pacelli’s doctor, who directed the embalming, was a charlatan who shortly afterwards sold photographs of the patient’s agony.

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