Government and National Secretariat for Penal Policies align investments for the Amapá prison system – News of Brazil

Government and National Secretariat for Penal Policies align investments for the Amapá prison system – News of Brazil


Representatives of the Government of Amapá, from the National Secretariat for Penal Policies (Senappen) and the Ministry of Justice and Public Security met in Brasília-DF, on Thursday, 28, to expand partnerships and guarantee new investments for the Institute of Penitentiary Administration of Amapá (Iapen). The prison system restructuring policy, implemented since last year, is part of the Government Plan to strengthen social defense through investments in new structures, agent training, technology and intelligence services to combat crime.

During the meeting, the Secretary of State for Justice and Public Security (Sejusp), José Neto and the director of Iapen, Luiz Carlo Gomes, also discussed integrated actions with the new Senappen secretary, André Garcia and the new director of Penitentiary Intelligence (Dipen), Glautter Morais.

“Thanks to this strategic approach built by governor Clécio Luís, Iapen made significant progress, not only receiving essential investments and donations of equipment, weapons, ammunition, but also with training courses that were offered to civil servants, and several criminal police officers were sent to join the National Penal Force, contributing in various ways to a safer and more efficient system here in Amapá”declared the director of Iapen, Luiz Carlos.

For the secretary of Sejusp, José Neto, it was an important alignment meeting where new opportunities emerged, such as the confirmation by the national secretary of new investments for Iapen in the surveillance area.

“At this meeting, we saw the possibility of guaranteeing new resources, such as a complete video monitoring system, consisting of approximately 480 surveillance cameras, in addition to strengthening ties with the new director of intelligence for future joint actions. This moment was very important for Public Security in Amapá”explains the secretary.

During the meeting, a project to restructure the area known as Senappen was presented to the new secretary of Senappen. “chain” at Iapen, for the next 3 years. These investments and partnerships are significant steps in the search for a more humane, safe and efficient prison system in the state of Amapá.

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