Gleise and deputies ask Lula to nominate a woman for the STJ – 08/25/2023 – Mônica Bergamo

Gleise and deputies ask Lula to nominate a woman for the STJ – 08/25/2023 – Mônica Bergamo


Federal deputies from the PT (Workers’ Party) sent a letter to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) asking him to nominate lawyer Daniela Teixeira for one of the three open positions at the Superior Court of Justice (STJ).

The document is signed by parliamentarians such as Gleisi Hoffmann (PT-PR), party president, Benedita da Silva (PT-RJ), Maria do Rosário (PT-RS), Érika Kokay (PT-DF) and Dandara Tonantzin (PT- MG).

The CUT (Central Única dos Trabalhadores) also prepared a letter in support of Teixeira.

On Wednesday (23), the STJ elected a list of four state court judges and another of three lawyers. Both lists will be sent to the Chief Executive, who will have to appoint two members of the State Justice and one from law to the court.

Lawyer Daniela Teixeira is named as the favorite among the names of the lawyers on Lula’s desk — Luiz Cláudio Allemand and Otávio Rodrigues Júnior complete the triple list. She was the most voted candidate on the six-fold list of the OAB (Order of Lawyers of Brazil) sent to the STJ and is the only woman in the dispute.

In the letter, the deputies state that Teixeira’s nomination would be “a significant step towards a more inclusive and representative judiciary, capable of dealing with contemporary challenges and protecting the fundamental rights of all people”.

“Currently, the STJ has only six women among its 30 members, and Daniela is the only woman to integrate the triple list recently voted by the ministers of the STJ”, says the document.

The parliamentarians also recall that the lawyer was verbally assaulted by former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL), then a federal deputy, in 2016. She participated in a hearing in the Chamber of Deputies that discussed the fight against the culture of rape and even left escorted from the Home.

In 2019, she headed the triple of candidates for TSE minister. Teixeira received a consecrating vote in the STF (Federal Supreme Court): with the votes of ten of the eleven judges of the court, she was in first place. But she was not chosen by then President Bolsonaro.

“We can take to the STJ a woman who headed the triple list for a vacancy in the TSE [em 2019] and, despite having obtained the vote of all STF ministers, her name was vetoed by then-president Jair Bolsonaro, who years before had attacked her”, follow the deputies.

“We believe that the presence of Daniela Teixeira in the STJ will contribute significantly to the diversity of perspectives in the judicial system, fundamental for the effectiveness of justice, and that her consolidated legal experience will strengthen the STJ”, they also state.

The document also praises Teixeira’s career: “A distinguished jurist, with an exemplary career guided by integrity, notorious legal knowledge, and unwavering commitment to justice and equality before the law,
advocated in cases before the STJ and the STF, and was a federal counselor of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) and vice-president of the OAB-DF”.

Daniela Teixeira is a member of the Prerogativas group, made up of lawyers, jurists and public defenders, which was one of the biggest critics of Lava Jato and supported Lula’s candidacy for the Presidency —part of its members is in the PT government.


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