Gaúcha chain of home appliances enters into judicial recovery

Gaúcha chain of home appliances enters into judicial recovery


Another retailer filed for judicial recovery (RJ), but this time it is a brand native to Rio Grande do Sul. The CR Diementz chain, which was born in Portão, in Vale do Sinos, in 2000, had the RJ processing request granted in February by the Regional Business Court of Novo Hamburgo, after admitting a debt of R$ 35.5 million with creditors, including labor, suppliers – an important part with rent -, and banks, classes likely to enter into a recovery process.

In addition, CR Diementz totals approximately R$64 million in tax liabilities, R$60 million of which with the state tax authorities and R$4 million with the Union.

The network reported, on February 1, when it filed the request in court, that it had 42 branches and 305 employees. The size of the banner was reduced to less than half, with loss-making units closing in recent years, according to data that the company listed in the RJ’s petition in court.

The retailer mentioned that it had more than 800 employees and 85 stores located in Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. Today, the units are only located in Rio Grande do Sul localities. Following RJ’s rite, the network has until the end of April to present a recovery plan to Justice, making it clear how it intends to settle the liabilities. This step, if you have creditors’ endorsement, defines the next steps for executing the commitments.

The network claimed difficulties that intensified in the pandemic, when physical points were closed and also more restrictions. In addition, the digital channel gained more importance in the fight for market. The court administrator appointed by the Corporate Court and partner at the Becker & Santos office, Davi Válter dos Santos, mentions that the lack of an e-commerce channel limited the network’s operation.

In addition, the retailer claimed reasons such as reducing the size of the operation, purchasing products from distributors with a higher value than that practiced by manufacturers – who currently sell directly only to large flags -, low inventories and customer defaults, Santos listed.

In an expert report that supported the establishment of the RJ, the lawyer reports that the owners said they had hired “a consultancy to assist in financial management, marketing and market repositioning”. Another measure that the network designed was the intention to “change the address of four stores to a better location and that will have an increase in rent.


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