Fundeb and Fund of the Federal District will be maintained in the fiscal framework, says Lira

Fundeb and Fund of the Federal District will be maintained in the fiscal framework, says Lira


fiscal framework

President of the House met with leaders of the House and Senate to discuss the modified points in the project

Brasilia DF) – In a press conference this Tuesday afternoon (22), the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), stated that the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate decided to maintain Fundeb and the Federal District Fund in the text of the fiscal framework.

“In an agreement yesterday with the leaders, some changes will remain, such as Fundeb and the Federal District Fund, and I think all the others will come out”

he stated.

Lira met with leaders of the House and Senate last Monday (21) to discuss the points modified in the project by the second House.

The leader of the Chamber also stated that the change in the calculation of inflation will be added to the Budget Guidelines Law (LDO) for the 2024 Budget, without the need for a Complementary Bill.

“The commitment was to put such a conditional amendment in the LDO for the 2024 Budget, because of the deflation that would count as negative in this account”

he said.

Regarding the Provisional Measures (MPs), the president of the Chamber reiterated that the House “has given incontestable evidence” that all matters of interest to the country are being voted on.

“We voted on the Transition PEC, we voted on the fiscal framework, that we are voting now only on the changes that the Senate made, we voted on the relocation and improvement or changes to the Esplanada dos Ministérios, we voted on the tax reform, we we voted for Carf, all these matters in six months”

he added.

Lira also highlighted that there is no agreement for the installation of mixed commissions.

“The agreement that was made is that when the government has the urgency, the need, the importance of editing an MP, it does so, it has our support, as will be done today with the issue of minimum wages, the increase in employees, increase in the income tax exemption quota […] In these provisional measures it did not happen that way “

he stated.

The parliamentarian also stated that the government will send to the National Congress a bill and a provisional measure on the taxation of offshore funds and companies located outside the country.

The taxation of earnings abroad had been incorporated into another provisional measure, which deals with the increase in the minimum wage. There was no agreement, however, to advance the proposal with the inclusion of the theme.

“There was an agreement for us to vote on the minimum wage provisional measure and there was a change in the text for the withdrawal of the part dealing with offshores, with the government’s commitment to send a new provisional measure for funds with shores and with private equity funds exclusive”

said Lira during a press conference.

“And a bill dealing with offshore funds and so that we, in two or three weeks, can give the same tone, the same treatment, the same pace for these funds, which must be taxed on a programmed basis, in a manner organized”

he added.

*With information from CNN Brazil

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