Feeling the peach can be a bad idea; know why

Feeling the peach can be a bad idea;  know why


Pressure on the fruit pulp harms sales. Podcast ‘Where does what I eat come from’ explains the nutritional value of peach and which diseases it helps prevent. Peaches: know what not to do when choosing the fruit. TEM TV/Reproduction The peach supply has been greater since December, with the fruit harvest. But one detail when choosing can ruin all the production and transportation work (read more below). This week, the podcast Where does what I eat come from explains why the fruit is most produced in the South region and what benefits it can bring to health. 🎧LISTEN and then see what not to do when buying: Don’t squeeze the fruit. Embrapa researcher Marcia Vizzotto says that the habit of feeling the peach when buying causes the pulp to darken, which affects sales . “The peach is very sensitive. Depending on the pressure you apply when squeezing, the pressed point will have stains and the fruit will be discarded because no one will consume it”, says the researcher. Peach producer Marcos Schiller teaches you how to choose peaches without feeling them: “You can just look, you don’t need to press. Make sure the fruit is not darkened and has no mechanical damage.” Peach is an ingredient in craft beer; WATCH: Where Peach Comes From Peach becomes candy, cosmetics and even beer; see interesting facts about the fruit that is a symbol of immortality Peach: learn about the production and nutritional value of the fruit. NisonCo PR and SEO/ Unsplash 🎧LISTEN ALSO:


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