Federal Regional Court determines the return of Breno Almeida to the position of mayor of Oiapoque – News of Brazil

Federal Regional Court determines the return of Breno Almeida to the position of mayor of Oiapoque – News of Brazil


Paulo Silva
Politics Editor

The summoned federal judge Pablo Zuniga Dourado, from the Federal Regional Court of the 1st Region (TRF1), partially revoked the Federal Court’s decision to cease the removal order and authorize the return of mayor Breno Lima de Almeida to the elected position of head of the municipality’s Executive of Oiapoque, with the prohibition on visiting the municipal administration headquarters also being removed.

However, Pablo Zuniga maintained all other precautionary provisions of the contested decision, without prejudice to the possible application of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CPP), until the collegiate can analyze the merits of the appeal filed. Breno had been removed from office since October last year, after being the target of a Federal Police operation, and is facing impeachment proceedings at the Oiapoque City Council.

In the same decision that removed the mayor, the suspension of the public service of those investigated was decreed: Marlon Wabe dos Santos Ramon (municipal attorney), Joelson Dias Lima (external representative of the municipality), Flávio Alves de Carvalho (mayor’s driver) and Lucas Alves Batista (municipal Public Works Secretary), for a period of six months, counting from the notification. They were prohibited from leaving the state of Amapá without judicial authorization and from maintaining contact with each other through any means of communication, except in relation to the mayor and his wife, Wellida Souza Lima

When determining the precautionary removal of those investigated from their respective public positions, I noted that the investigation investigates the conduct of public and private agents in relation to alleged functional crimes of responsibility, involving diversion of public resources, corruption and, among others, criminal organization, which would have been carried out within the scope of municipal Public Administration at the expense of federal public resources, through the signing of agreements and the signing of administrative contracts by those responsible for public management in the municipality of Oiapoque. There is also strong evidence of misuse of public affairs with the use of equipment and human material in the fulfillment of a private obligation, as well as news of coercion against witnesses called in the police investigation, noted the rapporteur.

For Pablo Zuniga Dourado, despite the complexity of the investigation and the seriousness of the facts investigated, for now, maintaining the other precautionary measures is sufficient to preserve public order and criminal investigation, as well as preventing the reiteration of conduct that may offend the public. public interest in relation to the object of the police investigation, and the necessary balance between the efficiency of criminal prosecution and the preservation of popular representation in the full exercise of the municipal Executive must be highlighted.

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