Enem 2023: 1st day had a medium difficulty level and made students reflect on complex issues, say teachers

Enem 2023: 1st day had a medium difficulty level and made students reflect on complex issues, say teachers


This Sunday’s test (5) required knowledge of languages ​​and human sciences, which encompass subjects such as Portuguese, history, geography, physical education and sociology, as well as foreign languages. ENEM 2023 – SUNDAY (5) – Ribeirão Preto (SP): Test booklet from the first day of the exam Érico Andrade/g1 Teachers from schools and courses who analyzed the content of the first test of the National High School Exam (Enem) 2023 evaluate that the items had balanced levels and brought notes of complex social problems, but were far from major controversies. For Vera Lúcia Antunes, Pedagogical Coordinator of the Objective, the 2023 edition of Enem was “the best in recent years”. She says that the test was innovative, brought a wide variety of texts and sought to discuss current problems in society. ✅ Click here to follow the new g1 Enem channel on WhatsApp Diogo D’Ippolito, professor at Colégio e Sistema pH, agrees. According to him, the test did not spare itself from bringing uncomfortable and contemporary themes.
[As questões tiveram] socially important themes, such as racism, gender issues, cultural identity, linguistic variation and current affairs. In general, the questions were well worked on and it was a test that challenged students to associate content with real life. Enem 2023: Check out the unofficial answer sheet for the 1st day of the tests, made by Anglo teachers Check below what other teachers who participated in the test said about their subjects: Foreign language – English According to Mariana Billia, who is the English coordinator at the System Stage, the English language questions in Enem 2023 did not bring anything new and remained in the already known standard. What we can say that was quite surprising this year was the absence of the plurality common to Enem. We are used to seeing five texts with different genres, which requires constant change. This year, despite the different subjects, we had a very large predominance of poems. Foreign language – Spanish The Enem 2023 Spanish test brought up very current topics, according to Hernán Bastida Veloso, professor of the subject at the Student Oficina Course and College. Xenophobia, dyslexia and the appreciation of Spain’s gastronomic culture were some of the themes that appeared in the items. Vivian Motta Pires, who teaches the language in the Stage System, says that the big difference in the Spanish test was the applied grammar requirement. “It’s been a long time since the Spanish test required text interpretation and, sometimes, knowledge of specific vocabulary.” Portuguese With regard to text interpretation, the test was balanced and presented a division that aimed to include the maximum number of skills in the reference matrix, according to João Filho, professor in the area at Plataforma Professor Ferretto. Grammatically, Veridiane Carvalho, from Plataforma Professor Ferretto, says that Enem maintained the same style and demanded linguistic variation and language functions, something that recurs in the exam. The theme of the Enem 2023 essay is ‘Challenges for tackling the invisibility of care work carried out by women in Brazil’ Arts In arts, Sérgio Paganim, director of the Anglo Course, assesses that the test was “tuned to young people” and brought several cultural manifestations, from visual arts such as Lasar Segall, with dance with Grupo Corpo, to demonstrations in different parts of the country such as Amapá, São Paulo and Minas Gerais. Physical education As always, physical education questions, which make up the Language test, appeared in an interdisciplinary manner. The theme appeared in items about the Olympics, as well as in questions about football. History Professor Pedro Rennó, who teaches history at Plataforma Professor Ferretto, assesses that the subject test was marked by interdisciplinarity. The director of the Anglo Course, Sérgio Paganim, considers that the subject test was of medium difficulty and required a lot of reading. Geography According to Alexandre Groth, geography teacher at Plataforma Professor Ferretto, the discipline’s questions explored different skills and competencies and were marked by the diversity of languages, themes and problem situations, which required greater interpretation capacity. The coordinator of the Passo System discipline, Omar Fadil Bumirgh, says that this year’s geography test was classic, maintained the standard of the exam and presented a balanced division between Brazilian geography and general geography. Sociology In Sociology, there were 8 balanced tests in terms of difficulty, dealing with topics linked to equality and social and racial discrimination. Highlighting the role of women in modern society. Philosophy For Mário Marcondes, philosophy professor at Plataforma Professor Ferretto, the course test was “very well constructed and knew how to work on concepts in a contextualized way”, and did not include controversial questions. The student was asked to master different schools of thought and literary schools, normally being invited to reflect on classical themes through problematization. Silvio Sawaya, humanities professor at the Oficina do Estudante Course and College, believes that the subject items required a lot of attention. “The alternatives were easy, but the texts weren’t that easy, and some questions required a little more attention in the alternatives”, he says. Enem 2023: see photo gallery from the first day of the exam


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