Former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL).| Photo: Joédson Alves/EFE.

Deputy electoral attorney Paulo Gustavo Gonet Branco filed, on the night of this Wednesday (12), a favorable opinion on the ineligibility of former president Jair Bolsonaro in the action that investigates possible interference in the electoral process last year.

The opinion refers to the action filed by the PDT, where the party accuses Jair Bolsonaro and former Minister of Defense Braga Netto of having committed abuse of political power during the 2022 elections.

In one of the sections of the opinion, which The Antagonist had access, the deputy prosecutor wrote: “The opinion is based on the merits of the request for a declaration of ineligibility provided for in art. 22, XIV, of Complementary Law No. 64/1990 only in relation to the first investigated [Jair Bolsonaro]absolving the second [Braga Netto]”.

Among the accusations against the former president, there is the meeting that Bolsonaro held in July 2022, at the Palácio da Alvorada, with foreign ambassadors, during which he raised a series of doubts about the integrity of the electronic vote adopted in Brazil by the Electoral Justice. The case of the draft decree and the demonstrations on January 8 were also incorporated into the action against Bolsonaro.

The final allegations were presented by the former president’s defense last Monday (10). All information about the process remains in provisional secrecy, after determination of the case’s rapporteur, Minister Benedito Gonçalves.

With the prior opinion of Gonet, the investigations are finalized and the rapporteur of the action will prepare the final opinion. As soon as the decision is ready, it will go to trial to be scheduled by the president of the TSE, Alexandre de Moraes.