EBC denies link with Janja after live on Women’s Day – 03/24/2023 – Mônica Bergamo

EBC denies link with Janja after live on Women’s Day – 03/24/2023 – Mônica Bergamo


The EBC (Empresa Brasil de Comunicação) denied to the Court that it had committed any illegality by broadcasting, on the channels of TV Brasil Gov, a live with the first lady Rosângela da Silva, Janja, on the eve of Women’s Day. The demonstration took place within the scope of a lawsuit filed by the councilor of São Paulo Rubinho Nunes (União), of the MBL (Movimento Brasil Livre), which sues the public company.

The parliamentarian claims that Janja would have used the structure of TV Brasil to praise the “supposed goodness” of her husband, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), in affront to the constitutional principles of legality and impersonality that govern public administration.

EBC, however, says that the live was not broadcast on TV Brasil, but on the TV Brasil Gov network. The brand replaced the former National TV of Brazil (NBR) and is intended for the dissemination of actions and public policies of the Executive. A contract signed with the Union regulates the provision of services.

“EBC’s obligation was exclusively of a technical nature”, says the company to the judgment of the 25th Federal Civil Court of São Paulo.

“The contractual instrument does not allow EBC to interfere in the content displayed, making any form of editorial control impossible, given that the service performed from the aforementioned contract is strictly technical, production, audio and video capture and transmission in the media chosen”, follows.

In the petition, EBC still denies that Janja was dedicated to talking about Lula on the live. “With all due respect, if the author had actually attended the event in its entirety, he would find that the theme that permeated the entire debate was related to the alarming rates of violence against women in Brazilian society, a topic of the most relevant public interest”, he says.

In addition to the First Lady, who acted as a kind of anchor for the live held on March 7 of this year, the Minister for Women, Cida Gonçalves, and actress and presenter Luana Xavier participated in the attraction. In the action presented to the Court, councilor Rubinho Nunes asks that the program be removed from the air and that Janja can no longer participate as a presenter of the public company.

The EBC refutes and denies that it has any “kind of bond” with Janja. And he adds: “There is no legislation, from another perspective, prohibiting the first lady, Mrs. Rosângela da Silva, regardless of whether or not she is the first lady of the Republic, considering the context of International Women’s Day, to carry out, through event available exclusively on social networks”.

“In other words, the aforementioned event could have been held by any person appointed by the Social Communication Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic”, he continues, when asking that the process be extinguished by the Federal Court.


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