During women’s month, writers launch works about the achievements of the Amazonian female figure

During women’s month, writers launch works about the achievements of the Amazonian female figure


Manaus (AM) – The book “Mulheres Interseccionalidades: Vivências Amazônicas”, created by 16 writers and special guests, was launched on March 8th, in honor of women’s month. The launch event, which took place at the Manaus City Council (CMM), highlighted the literary work in honor of the struggle of women in the most diverse areas, especially legal careers.

One of those honored in the work is the judge of the Amazonas Court of Justice (Tjam), Dr. Lídia de Abreu Carvalho, assistant judge of the Presidency of the Regional Electoral Court (TRE/AM), TRE/AM Women’s ombudsman, vice-president of the Electoral Justice Ombudsman Council (Coje) and Honorary National Vice President of ABMCJ.

She is the one who signed the book’s preface, bringing out the richness of the themes, focused on women in the Amazon and who gave an emotional speech at the opening of the event.

“Dare to write your own story. Such are the women who for centuries have courageously fought to deconstruct the culture of patriarchy, the unfair limitation of their role to the private, to home care, while men are encouraged to the public sphere, of power”, says an excerpt from the preface of the work, coordinated by the Brazilian Association of Women in the Legal Career (ABMCJ) – Northern Region, represented nationally by Dr. Maria Gláucia Soares.

“The literary work, in addition to bringing regional themes, of Amazonian women, with rich details, is an unprecedented work and differentiated by its approaches and diversity of content portrayed by brave women. Each one has representation and experiences in their spaces, which goes beyond the bibliographic collection, but is thought-provoking as it motivates us, the adherence to the great female agendas. It represents a milestone, a legacy for our region in favor of women”,

declared judge Lídia de Abreu Carvalho.

Female protagonism

The contributions were dense in the book, with reflective texts on the importance of ABMCJ in the fight for women’s human rights, women in politics and their underrepresentation, the importance of journalism in the female fight, mothers and children with autism, mothers who are heads of families , being a black woman in Amazonas, the life experience of indigenous women, among others.

For the national coordinator of ABMCJ – Northern Region, Dr. Glaucia Soares, this valuable Amazonian book is the fourth work launched in less than two years by the entity, materializing and eternalizing, with the union of efforts of several authors, reflections of extreme importance for women from the Amazon region and the world.

“This book is a legacy for current and future generations. Adding to the existing bibliographic collection, it will certainly make a difference and contribute to profound debates under a feminist bias, in academic communities and in society, always in the search for social changes, for an inclusive, plural and democratic world. Knowledge must be shared, especially regional and traditional knowledge. Therefore, the work immortalizes these precious experiences”,

added Dr. Glaucia Soares.

Of the 16 writers and special guests, ten are recognized women with a legal career, with Judge Zelite Andrade Carneiro, the first woman president of the Court of Justice of Rondônia, and a pioneering female attorney at the Public Ministry of Rondônia also standing out in the book. She was also the pioneer woman in Brazil as President of the OAB (RR), in addition to being the president of ABMCJ Rondônia (North).


Also highlighted, in what is considered an unprecedented work in the region, are Non-Governmental Organizations that many of these women are part of and that have a strong role in women’s agendas.

Among these entities is the Brazilian Association of Women in Legal Careers – Northern Region, which is linked to the International Federation of Women in Legal Careers (FIFCJ), founded in Paris, France, in 1928, in the first wave of feminism. It is the world’s largest NGO of female jurists (ministers, judges, judges, lawyers, prosecutors, delegates, public defenders and others), with a seat at the UN and ILO, present in 79 countries, and chaired by Brazilian pioneer Dr. Manoela Gonçalves Silva, who was also honored in the book.

The national coordination of ABMCJ – Northern Region also contributed an article to the book, together with the authors Arlete Anchieta, from the Movement of Afro-descendants of Amazonas (Fopaam), with a seat at the UN; Maria Santana, from Portal Amazônico; Laura Fragata, Carla Martins, Jacimar Gouvêa (Mara Kambeba indigenous), Débora Mafra (delegate), Lívia Negri and Maria Aparecida Veras (ABMCJ).

Source of knowledge

The contributions were dense in the book, with special tributes also to these great women: Dr. Manoela Gonçalves, International President of Women in Legal Careers; councilor Maria Jacqueline Pinheiro (ABMCJ); Dr. Liege de Abreu Carvalho (ABMCJ); Dr. Maria das Graças Barbosa, public defender of Roraima (ABMCJ), and Dr. Nancy Castro Segadilha (CAAAM, ABMCJ).

The launch event of “Mulheres Interseccionalidades: Vivências Amazônicas”, which had the ceremonial support of the Manaus City Council, through its director Ieda Frota, had the participation of more than 200 people, including jurists, Non-Governmental Organizations of women with disabilities, black, indigenous, quilombolas, Amazon academies and universities.

*With information from consultancy

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