Does watermelon cause indigestion? Discover myths and truths about the fruit

Does watermelon cause indigestion?  Discover myths and truths about the fruit


Podcast ‘Where does what I eat come from’ explains how watermelon arrived in Brazil and where it is most produced. Watermelon is the third most consumed fruit in the country. Floh Keitgen/ Unsplash Watermelon is not native to Brazil, but it has become popular – it is the third most consumed fruit in the country. It is only behind bananas and oranges. This week, the podcast Where does what I eat come from tells the story of the fruit and the largest producing municipality in the country: Uruana, in Goiás. 🎧LISTEN (below) and, afterwards, learn about myths and truths about watermelon: 🚫It’s It is a myth that watermelon causes indigestion. Doctor Durval Ribas Filho, president of the Brazilian Association of Nutrology (ABRAN), explains that the fruit is digestive and improves intestinal health because it contains fiber. 🚫It’s a myth that watermelon with milk is bad for your health. What can happen is that the person is lactose intolerant and therefore has reactions in the body when mixing the two foods. Truths about the fruit: 💧90% of watermelon is water. Therefore, it helps with hydration and replaces the act of drinking water; 🍉One large slice or two small slices a day are enough; 👀The fruit contains substances that help prevent eye diseases, such as cataracts and macular degeneration; 🩺Watermelon has antioxidants that fight chronic and degenerative diseases; The fruit also reduces stomach and urine acidity. “The ability to reduce the acidity of urine means that watermelon helps prevent the formation of kidney stones”, adds nutritionist Durval Ribas Filho. READ MORE: Consuming Brazil nuts reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s; see precautions when purchasing this food Cheese bread uses cassava derivatives; find out how many units you can consume per day 📺WATCH: Where does what I eat come from: watermelon 🎧LISTEN TO OTHER EPISODES:


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