‘Deepfake live’: technology that changes face and voice in video call, as in the soap opera ‘Travessia’, already exists in real life

‘Deepfake live’: technology that changes face and voice in video call, as in the soap opera ‘Travessia’, already exists in real life


In the plot, a pedophile manages to impersonate a girl perfectly, deceiving a teenager. In real life, such a high-quality feature costs a lot of money, experts say. ‘Deepfake live’: find out what the technology is that changes the image and voice shown in the soap opera ‘Travessia’ Reproduction/TV Globo telenovela “Travessia” (TV Globo). The character Karina (played by actress Danielle Olímpia) even took off her clothes in front of the cameras, believing that whoever was on the other side was her virtual friend. In the plot, the criminal has his face and voice modified by a computer program, being able to easily fool anyone who sees him from the other side. SAFETY OF CHILDREN ON THE INTERNET: questions and answers about how to protect them Musk and hundreds of experts call for a pause in the advancement of artificial intelligence Experts told g1 that the technology already exists in real life. It is so new that it doesn’t even have an official name, and can be called, for now, “deepfake live” or “deepfake live”. Although it can already be used in scams, there are two obstacles: the technology still does not have the perfection simulated in the soap opera; due to its above-average quality, it requires investments of around R$ 150,000 in equipment. Therefore, according to the interviewees, it is not so targeted by those who intend to deceive other people, especially younger children, who are often preferred targets of pedophiles and hardly notice the flaws that can appear in a call. Here’s what’s known about the “live deepfake” and how to recognize one easily. What is ‘live deepfake’ “Deepfake” is a technology that allows you to show a person’s face in photos or videos altered with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). Fake material is created from the person’s true content that is modified through applications or editing programs that already exist on the market. The “deepfake” simulated in Glória Perez’s plot has the same idea, but it is done in real time, without any editing. This solution is new — it appeared in 2022 — and is an evolution of the “deepfake” that is known today, explains Fernando Oliveira, known as Fernando 3D, specialist in the subject and in artificial intelligence at FaceFactory. Initial plugin text ALSO READ: Making a “live deepfake” with the quality shown in the soap opera requires a powerful computer capable of processing changes in real time. According to Fernando 3D, it would be necessary to spend a lot of money on equipment to reach that level. But it is also possible to do it with less expense, using cheaper apps, but of much lower quality. “To achieve the quality that is shown in the telenovela, it is not possible to use only software (program or application). It is necessary to program, with algorithms that work with data and codes”, explains Fernando 3D. These algorithms process data, which are a person’s image and voice. The more data, the greater the efficiency of live “deepfake”, experts explain. LEAKED NUDES: learn how to gather evidence and report PORN REVENGE: know what it is and learn about victims’ stories Databases (face and voice) are powered by real people, so famous people can be more targeted, since there is more content online with them. “The more data that exists publicly, the easier it will be to capture and process them for this purpose. [de ‘deepfake ao vivo’]”, says Alberto Luiz Albertin, professor and coordinator in the area of ​​IT and Digital Transformation at FGV EAESP. deepfake live Is it used by criminals? “Deepfake live” is already being used in scams, but not with the same level of perfection demonstrated in the telenovela “Travessia”, explains Anderson Rocha, specialist in computing applied to the fight against pedophilia and director of the Institute of Computing at the University of Campinas (Unicamp). He explains that children under 13 are the main targets of pedophiles and that attracting children to get naked in front of the screen and produce child pornography content has a name: “grooming”. In this type of scam, according to Rocha, the level of technology does not need to be perfect because the child will hardly be able to identify the flaws, since it is a conversation in real time. The lack of image quality, for example, can be confused with low internet speed. In addition, to create empathy, scammers choose the face and voice of characters from the children’s world. It could be from an influencer or even a cartoon. “The child will believe he is talking to a Pintadinha Chicken, for example […] So, it’s a question not only of the technology used, but also of the language”, warns Rocha. The same applies to teenagers, says the professor. However, in this case, the language used will change. What can it be used for in the future? Specialists interviewed by g1 also see beneficial possibilities for this technology: being used in virtual international meetings, when there are different languages, points out Fernando 3D. of lip movements; in the health sector, when the patient needs a familiar face, projects Albertin, from FGV; and, in a future where the metaverse is more used, this type of artificial intelligence would allow to have a more realistic avatar. Tips from the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics Kayan Albertin /Editora de arte / G1 ALSO READ: The evolution of deepfake, the future of content creation Reports from victims of ‘stalking’, which can now lead to 3 years in prison Learn how to remove your face , house or car on Google Maps


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