Decree worsens the situation of those who have a gun, says Bolsonarist – 07/21/2023 – Panel

Decree worsens the situation of those who have a gun, says Bolsonarist – 07/21/2023 – Panel


The gun decree issued by President Lula (PT) leaves those who have guns in a much worse situation than before the government of Jair Bolsonaro (PL), says federal deputy Júlia Zanatta (PL-SC), an ally of the former president and defender of the arms agenda.

In her assessment, “it has always been difficult to be free in this country, it has always been difficult to have a gun in this country”. “And President Bolsonaro, thinking of facilitating access to weapons for good citizens, edited some decrees. And now we are back to square one. We are back to a much worse situation than it was before, in fact,” she says.

Zanatta says he didn’t expect anything good from the decree of “a government that is disarmament.”

“I always say that we [quem defende a pauta armamentista] it came from defending the dream of freedom, more access, less bureaucracy for the acquisition of weapons, to the exclusive defense of jobs and the families that live off these jobs”, he adds.

She also criticizes speeches by the PT president, Gleisi Hoffmann, who, in a social network, defended that CACs (hunters, shooters and collectors) clubs should be closed. “I think that line of hers is completely insane,” she said.

“But, unlike what she thinks and what she does, because Gleisi everything she doesn’t agree with she wants to exterminate or extirpate, as Lula says, I think she has the right to say that she wants to end the CAC.”

For Zanatta, the PT president only made the statements because “she defends dictatorships that disarm citizens, like [Nicolás] Mature [Venezuela]like Cuba, like Daniel Ortega [Nicarágua]”. “So I think it’s natural for a person who is a lover of dictatorships to say something absurd like that.”

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