December should have more rain in the Southeast – 11/26/2023 – Daily Life

December should have more rain in the Southeast – 11/26/2023 – Daily Life


Part of the North of the country, which includes the west of Amazonas, and the Northeast is expected to have rain below the historical average for December. The forecast is in a bulletin released by Inmet (National Institute of Meteorology) for next month in the country, which also points to the possibility of regions in the Southeast living with water volumes above normal.

According to the body linked to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, in general, the month will be marked by more regular rains in the central part of the country and continued volumes in the South, which has suffered from a sequence of floods and river overflows.

According to the document, the trend is for rainfall close to or below the month’s climatology in areas of the North region, such as western Amazonas, eastern Pará and Tocantins, in addition to much of the Northeast, with forecast volumes of less than 200 mm .

The east of the Northeast region will still be in its dry period and it is common for rainfall to not exceed 100 mm, states the bulletin.

For the Center-West and Southeast, the forecast indicates above-average and more regular rainfall, with volumes that could exceed 300 mm, in areas of Mato Grosso, Goiás, center-south of Minas Gerais, northeast of São Paulo and south of Rio of January.

In the north of the states of Goiás, Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo, forecast rainfall may be below average, with volumes of less than 200 mm.

If, on the one hand, higher-than-expected rain in the month that marks the beginning of summer (from December 22nd) could cause problems in places like Vale do Paraíba, in São Paulo, on the other hand it could be a relief for the around the Pantanal, which suffered from fires.

“In a large part of central Brazil, the gradual return of rain is being important for the recovery of water storage in the soil, especially in areas north of Mato Grosso and south of Goiás”, states the document.

In areas of Matopiba, a region that encompasses Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí and Bahia, low volumes of rain are expected to keep water levels in the soil low. “Except in areas in the south of Tocantins and the extreme southwest of Bahia, where there will be a slight recovery in soil moisture”, says the bulletin.

In general, explains Inmet, soil moisture will be favorable for sowing and the development of first-crop crops, except in areas in the north of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo, as well as in the northwest of Mato Grosso do Sul and southwest of Mato Grosso, where humidity levels may be lower.

For the South region, above-average rainfall is still expected in Paraná and Santa Catarina, with volumes above 180 mm.

In the center-south of Rio Grande do Sul, rainfall should be close to or slightly below average.


Anyone hoping for some refreshment after eight heat waves during the year in the country will continue to sweat, especially in the Northeast and North. According to the bulletin, the forecast indicates that temperatures are expected to be above average in these regions, where average temperatures can exceed 28ºC.

“The occurrence of consecutive days with rain over the west of the South region, however, could reduce temperatures, reaching values ​​below 24°C”, states the text.


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