Cristian and Key cite Fred Nicácio’s ‘fear’ on ‘BBB 23’, and the doctor’s team regrets religious intolerance

Cristian and Key cite Fred Nicácio’s ‘fear’ on ‘BBB 23’, and the doctor’s team regrets religious intolerance


A chat in the pool between Cristian, Gustavo and Key Alves caused revolt in Fred Nicácio’s team outside the home of “Big Brother Brasil 23”. The trio is being criticized for religious intolerance. It all started when the walled-up man said he saw the doctor in front of the editing couple’s bed.

“He was standing in front of your bed,” Cristian began.

“Bro, you can stop that. What did he (Fred Nicácio) do?”, asked Key, getting up.

“I don’t know, I’m scared shitless. I saw the moment Bruna entered the bathroom, Fred was standing there doing his business in bed. Then I thought: ‘Wow’. When I looked again, Gustavo was looking too. I felt bad, I prayed too and was quiet”, said Cristian.

“I’ll push the button if he does that again,” Key said.

Fred Nicácio follows candomblé. In the house, he already saluted the orixás. Therefore, his team published the excerpt of what happened and regretted the situation.

“Once again Fred’s religion being seen as something bad among the participants. Religious intolerance being clear, until when?”, they wrote.


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