CPMI of 8/1 hears condemned for attempted attack in Brasilia

CPMI of 8/1 hears condemned for attempted attack in Brasilia


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The Joint Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPMI) of January 8 hears this Thursday morning (22) four witnesses related to the attempted bomb attack near Brasília International Airport, on Christmas Eve 2022.

Three Federal Police experts will be heard, followed by George Washington de Oliveira Sousa, convicted of participating in the crime. As he is under arrest, he will be taken to the meeting to give evidence.

All were summoned based on requests from six members and according to the schedule of rapporteur Eliziane Gama (PSD-MA).

Senator Marcos Rogério (PL-RO) debuted at the CPMI as a substitute for Marcos do Val (Podemos-ES), who requested medical leave the day before for 100 days.

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