Courts of Auditors and CNJ sign agreement to reduce judicialization of state and municipal debt – 02/12/2024 – Panel

Courts of Auditors and CNJ sign agreement to reduce judicialization of state and municipal debt – 02/12/2024 – Panel


The Audit Courts across the country and the CNJ (National Council of Justice) decided to adopt joint guidelines for administrative collection actions to recover amounts related to the active debt of states and municipalities.

The understanding was reached in a hearing between the president of the STF (Supreme Federal Court) and the CNJ, Luís Roberto Barroso, and presidents of entities representing the courts, on January 30th. The idea is to try to reduce the judicialization of cases.

Data from the CNJ indicate that for every 100 cases of this type in progress during the 2022 financial year, only 12 were closed. Tax enforcement processes are identified as the main cause of slowness in the Judiciary, corresponding to around 34% of the total number of ongoing actions and 64% of executions in the judicial sphere.

“We defined joint actions between the Audit Courts and the CNJ seeking to avoid judicialization with the issuance of Active Debt Certificates at the administrative level and negotiation and consensus tables”, said the president of Atricon (Association of Audit Courts of Brazil), Cezar Miola.

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